The World’s Radio Station

August, 07

Radical Uncertainty

John Kay and Mervyn King talk about their book, Radical Uncertainty, with EconTalk host Russ Roberts.


This is a wide-ranging discussion based on the book looking at rationality, decision-making under uncertainty, and the economists’ view of the world.

June, 20

How our flying habits will change

While history shows us that it can take over two years for an aviation demand shock to return to normal,

many people now forecast a permanent drop in travel, particularly for business.


We argue business and personal travel will remain, however, the way people book will change the transport industry.

May, 23

A triangle deal – How covid-19 is reshaping the global order and EU-China relations

Mark Leonard welcomes Lanxin Xiang,

Professor in International History and Politics at the Graduate Institute in Geneva

and Director of the Centre of One And One Road Studies,

who shares his insights on the changing global order,

China’s attitude towards the EU

and the Chinese “wolf warrior diplomacy”.

May, 23

Mikheil Saakashvili’s Ukrainian Comeback

Agnes meets Max Fras to find out how former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili has gained political office in Ukraine.

May, 23

China’s naval modernisation and measuring effective military capabilities

Tom Waldwyn and James Hackett discuss the key trends in defence procurement and capabilities identified in the latest edition of The Military Balance,

the Institute’s annual assessment of global military capabilities and defence economics.

May, 23

COVID-19 and Deglobalisation

COVID-19 was a significant supply shock for the global economy, among other things.


With nations protecting their borders and even limiting some trade,

will this accelerate a move toward deglobalisation?