The World’s Radio Station

January, 15

Gaming the System : How Wargames Shape Our Future

How wargaming can enhance Professional Military Education,

hone cognitive warfighting skills,

and broaden our understanding of future Operational Environment possibilities.

January, 15

Going Boldly : Military Thinking with Science Fiction

COL Jonathan Klug, Steve Leonard, Dr. Kathleen McInnis, and Maj. Gen. Mick Ryan discuss leadership, strategy, and conflict; the importance of storytelling; and the value of science fiction.

January, 15

Weaponizing Weather : The Global Security Threat

We explore the broad global security implications of climate change and manipulation;

their effects on Army and DoD readiness, operations, and mission requirements;

and potential approaches for mitigating and regulating these threats.

January, 15

Civil-Military Relations and Global Security Governance : Strategy, Hybrid Orders and the Case of Pakistan

A new light on the issue of global security governance,

especially its impact on civil-military relations and democratisation in hybrid orders.

January, 15

Reflections on Chinese Sexuality

What are the connections and tensions between China and the West in producing knowledge of sexuality ?
