The World’s Radio Station

April, 05

Catastrophic AI Risks

Dan Hendrycks joins the podcast again to discuss, how AI risk thinking has evolved, malicious use of AI, AI race dynamics between companies and between militaries, making AI organizations safer, and how representation engineering could help us understand AI traits like deception.

April, 05

An Insider’s View on US Weapons Sales to Israel

Josh Paul and Yousef Munayyer discuss US weapons sales to Israel during the war on Gaza.


Paul is the former Director of Congressional and Public Affairs at the US Department of State’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, which oversees arms transfers to foreign nations.

April, 05

Saudi-Israel Normalization: What’s the deal ?

In this episode of Our Middle East, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs President Dan Diker speaks with U.S.-based Middle East analyst Irina Tsukerman of the Arabian Peninsula Institute about the “security mayhem” of the Middle East.

April, 05

Counting the Death Toll in Gaza

On October 7, Hamas attacks in Israel killed an estimated 1,200 people and took over 200 people hostage.


The Israeli response, including intense bombardments and a ground offensive in Gaza, has been extremely destructive,

reportedly killing over 13,000 Palestinians including 5,500 children as of the time of this episode’s recording [ Nov 27, 2023 ].

April, 05

One grid to rule them all ? The future of a European single electricity market

In this episode of The Sound of economics, Rebecca Christie invites Georg Zachmann and Christian Zinglersen to talk about the ambitious idea of creating a more integrated European electricity market.

April, 05

Mapping the U.S.-PRC Tech Competition Landscape

Channing Lee joins host Jeanne Meserve for a conversation on mapping the U.S.-PRC tech competition landscape of six technologies we use in our everyday lives.
