March, 29

Who pays for the cost of climate change?

Climate change is making natural disasters like fires, floods, heatwaves and drought more frequent and more extreme.


In today’s episode we discuss a levy on fossil fuels to help pay for the damage.

March, 24

What ‘no-fly zone’ really means

It’s a plea that has been heard around the world: Ukraine wants its allies to set up a no-fly zone in its airspace.


But so NATO, U.S. President Joe Biden and other leaders have decisively said no to the idea.


Dr. Stacie Pettyjohn is a senior fellow and director of the defence program at the Center for a New American Security.

She talks us through the complexities of the no-fly zone concept.

March, 21

Challenges in the post-COVID global economic recovery

Brahima Sangafowa Coulibaly, vice president and director of the Global Economy and Development program at Brookings, addresses the divergent paths between wealthy countries and the developing world in the post-COVID-19 economic recovery.

January, 10

AI Will Affect Better-paid Workers, but Will it Displace them?

How will artificial intelligence (AI) affect work?


While it seems likely that automation and robotics will impact, or even displace, jobs on the lower-end of the income and education spectrum, AI may have impacts on better-paid and more educated workers, according to new research from Mark Muro, Robert Maxim, and Jacob Whiton.


December, 12

Why is Political Discontent Rocking Latin America?

Unrest is sweeping Latin America.

Recent months have seen demonstrations in Chile and Ecuador.

In Bolivia, demonstrations triggered a constitutional crisis and the departure of long-time President Evo Morales.


What explains this explosion of popular discontent?

Are the demonstrations unique to their country’s circumstances or do they reflect broader trends in Latin America?


This episode’s guest is Dr. Francisco Monaldi.

He is the Fellow in Latin American Energy Policy at the Baker Institute’s Center for Energy studies.

October, 22

Turkey’s Invasion of Syria

We discuss recent developments in Syria, from the impacts of the United States abandoning allies in the area, to Turkey’s invasion of northern Syria and clash with Kurdish forces, with LGen (ret’d) D. Michael Day.

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